Thursday, 29 December 2011

Christmas catch up.


Sorry. I see it has been three weeks since I last put hand to keyboard and bored you with my tales. The website seems to have stalled temporarily too. New years resolution..rocket up my own arse I think.

The build up to the day..

The build up to Christmas was fairly uneventful this year with the extra spare time I have nowadays. Fruit and veg and most of the gift shopping done online leaving plenty of time to plan Christmas day for 10 and Boxing day for 16.

Interspersed with the Christmas planning we  also liaise with builders who start work in January converting half the garage into mums swanky new en-suite. 

Mum gradually gets more and more excited on the build up to Christmas day and the arrival of elder sis Julia with Ian and the boys. Sarahs 3 arrive at various times leading up to the day and the house starts to feel cosy and seasonal as the decorations, trees and lights go up inside. Luckily no more climbing involved for me.

The big day..

Lie in till nine then up for pressies...Mum very excited to have a stocking all to herself. In pre Dementia years it was so difficult to buy gifts for mum as by her admission she already had two of everything she needed, so this year we went to town with a stocking full of bits and bobs. She loved it. A good hour of unwrapping bath bombs, gloves, scarves etc. Tears, smiles and laughs all rolled together, brilliant.

Cooked breakfast, then start the prep for dinner to be served at 6 pm.
Mum kept out of trouble for another two hours peeling sprouts and chestnuts, just finished as Julia and Family arrive for even more pressies.

Dinner a raging success, Pheasant in a duck in a turkey with all the trimmings, followed by Christmas pud and an assortment of cakes. Then the cheese board with some vintage port.

All in all a great day was had by all. I think.

Boxing day...

Today heralds the arrival of younger sis Fabia with Mark. Also we have a visit from my Godfather Lloyd with his wife Kay visiting from France. We hope to negotiate a stay in the summer so mum is instructed to be on her best behaviour. Lloyd and Kay bring along daughter Polly and her antipodean partner Matt.

Huge buffet out on the table, left over three bird, home cooked ham etc. another great day. A few tears again from mum, joy not sadness which is always good.

Far too much food, far too much wine, all in all a great family Christmas. Mum enjoyed all of it and seems to remember a lot of it too.

In other matters, I was approached by Elinor O'Neill the reporter who wrote about my blog in the local paper to make a guest appearance on her blog where she describes her struggle with bipolar. You can have a read here.


  1. 2nd attempt may not be as good as my first!...but a huge thank you for a wonderful Boxing Day (& secretly thrilled at my first blog inclusion) so good to see you all & a taste of your three bird roast was delicious

  2. Huzzah right back at you!!

    Was great to see you lot too Polly, Mum really enjoyed it once she was sure who everyone was! Shes looking forward to summer in France now.

  3. Just catching up down here. Boxing Day was great for us. It was lovely to see the family all together. Looking forward to seeing you down here later in the year.

  4. I've been a bit remiss so catching up - glad the birdybird went ok :)
