Just a quick update.
You know when you surf the web? All those sites you look at, lovely pictures and nice text all laid out in shiny boxes with links to loads of interesting beautifully formatted stuff? Do you know how hard it is to do that?
I do now.
Its a learning curve I will admit, but I want to be at the top of the curve now. So please be patient if you are Watling for the website. Something will be online this Sunday but it wont be quite the amazing site I was hoping for. I really must learn to be patient.
In other news..
Mums pistachio mountain is dwindling, don't think she will see it through the winter may have to think of restocking at the weekend.
The dog had a funny turn after dinner tonight, crying panting staggering around we were a little concerned till........BBBBuuuurrrrpppp! right as rain now.
The nice Gentleman is now an outpatient so we can visit whenever we like, mum very happy about that.
Thats it for tonight, back to wordpressing. Watch this space.
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