Thursday, 13 October 2011


Funny really.

Being here full time you don`t notice the changes, just adapt as you go on.

Its only recently I have really thought about this, wondering where the day goes.

An example.

Car journeys. Mum seems to understand that a trip in the car has several steps

  • Open door 
  • Get in
  • Close door
  • Pull seat belt over shoulder
  • Plug seat belt in
  • Travel to destination
  • Press red button on seat belt
  • Put seat belt behind shoulder
  • Open door
  • Get out
Unfortunately she could do any of these steps in any order, at any time in the journey. I will let you imagine the possible combinations.  It does mean journeys can take a little time but luckily she still has a good conception of safety so the dangerous ones are avoided.

Every operation can be broken up into steps like this and seems to cause similar problems. Mum can see the destination she wants to reach, be it getting in the car, getting dressed even constructing a sentence but the route there involves many steps that need to be put into order.

All these things mean that you have to learn to live your life at a much slower pace, and learn to be very very patient.

Which in itself is not such a bad thing.

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