Thursday, 6 October 2011


Settled back in at home now and back to the old routines. Wheely dog not too good of late, leg muscles seem to be wasting a little. Think she may have to go back on the wheels for a bit.

Younger sis, Fabia was up as usual tuesday, took mum out for a drive and lunch then hauled her in and managed to descale her feet and remove the talons. New shoes in order then, comes the rather delicate operation of removing then disposing of the old ones. Landfill not an option nowadays with toxic waste so may need to attempt burial at sea.

The nice old gentleman, Ken, is still in hospital and having more tests. Taken mum to visit every day so far, think its good for both of them. Kettering hospital must have a very cheap canteen judging by the size of the staff.

Mum out with respite care this morning so treat myself to a trip round the farmers market. some lovely looking 21 day hung beef, loads of fresh veg and a couple of really nice looking pies and its off home. Beef in red wine tonight then, with dumplings of course.

Think we may have to invest in a few new clothes as Mum can no longer manage zips, unless they are started for her. We also seem to be experiencing a bit of  seat belt mutiny. On the way to visit Ken there were complaints, "Its strangling me" "Help me". Had to pull into layby to rearrange, this is happening nearly every journey now, seated in the back she has been known to escape the belt completely. Not too sure how to address this one yet.

More in a bit.....

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